Thursday, January 29, 2015

Meet Bro. Steve

January 29, 2015

Meet Bro. Steve

"We're no different than anyone else.  Being homeless is simply a situation, a state of economical indifference.  We hurt like you hurt, we cry like you cry, we feel pain like you feel pain.  When someone close to us dies, we mourn.  When we know someone who is giving birth to new life, we are joyful.  We are no different than anyone that has a home, a job, or car.  The only thing that separates us is people's inability to love us.  And what is going on is that the more indifference that people have towards homeless people, the further away they push those that are homeless that could do better but choose not to do better because nobody else cares." -Bro. Steve

I met Bro Steve a couple nights ago and we had set up a time to hang out and chat. He took me to one of his favorite spots by the river to grab 2 cups of chili. This was truly a great time. We got out of the cold, had some steaming hot chili and he owned the jukebox! Our favorite being "Country Boy" by Aaron Lewis. See Bro Steve isn't your typical inner-city African-American homeless person. His lifelong dream is to own a spot in the country with somewhere to fish nearby and a garden.

Bro.Steve is passionate about caring for those around him in whatever way he can. He spoke of wanting to write a book called, "I'm a Ghost." Title referring to the way most people walk right on past homeless people without as much as a 'hello' or 'how are you.' One of his burning desires is to show people that sometimes homeless people can appreciate these everyday, simple gestures more than even money. In the brief audio clip we recorded, he touches on how homeless people are pushed further and further away from society and from digging out of their situation. They are pushed away because of the separation between themselves and everyone around them.

"Show me your friends and I'll show you your future."
-Chaplain Ronnie Melancon

This is not just a random cool quote, this has Biblical truths. Proverbs 13:20 Solomon writes, "He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm."

Don't mistaken this for me saying that all homeless people are fools or all people with housing are wise. I don't think its a stretch to believe Solomon is telling us we are influenced by people around us. Have you ever worked with someone whose motivational drive or commitment is contagious? Surrounding yourself with success makes success easier. Surrounding yourself with negative thoughts, laziness, complacency--that makes things more difficult. Have you ever worked with someone with these negative vibes? It makes being productive and successful much more difficult on you--even if your tasks are completely disconnected. What Bro. Steve is getting at is the streets are full of these negative tendencies (AND THEN SOME!), once you someone is fully encompassed with these barriers, it makes getting out difficult. Even the slightest bit of kindness from someone outside can make a difference; can put a crack in the wall. Enough cracks can break anything. Or if you're really feeling spunky, throw a rope over the wall!!

One challenge Bro. Steve laid out was for people to spend their time. That's how you know they care. Be the person that reeks of joy and motivation. Be concerned with other people beyond writing a check, beyond handing them a plate of food, beyond sparing a $1 on the street corner. These things are great, but they are not how we get to the heart of a broken person. That takes a more personal investment. A friend of mine recently texted me about wanting to take a homeless person she met at church out to lunch to spend a little time with them...are you kidding me? YES! This made me so happy :) Anyone can afford to buy an extra meal, but to sit there out of your comfort zone and get to know someones story...that is what we are called to do. These are the more personal connections that need to be made. From both a human nature standpoint and from a spiritual standpoint.

Hopefully more to come from Bro Steve soon :)

Let's call today Thankful Thursday? Be thankful for clean socks, a restroom and clean water within 30 feet, someone to call in an emergency, pizza delivery when you're hungry, cough drops when you need them and a nightstand where you don't have to worry about your phone getting stolen.


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